
第11名,云斗53号(Cloud Hopper No. 53)



Consider the corona size, a tidy shape measuring little more than five inches in length, with a slim ring gauge, typically 42. It can be hard to deliver big flavor in such a slim size, but Warped’s Kyle Gellis succeeds with his Cloud Hopper No. 53. Made in Nicaragua from an entirely Nicaraguan blend, the small smoke has intriguing notes of gingerbread, chocolate and sweet spices, with a finish that smacks of nuts. Gellis, a young man who is a relative newcomer to the cigar world, has made a big impact in a fairly short amount of time: he’s had cigars on our Top 25 in 2019 and 2017 as well.

第12名,卢西亚诺梦幻者(Luciano The Dreamer)


38环径,7.5英寸长,长矛型号,得分93分,每支售价15美元。在尼加拉瓜的皮查多雪茄厂卷制。茄衣使用的是厄瓜多尔烟叶,茄套是尼加拉瓜烟叶,茄芯是尼加拉瓜和秘鲁的混合烟叶。这款雪茄可能会被很多休闲雪茄爱好者忽视,但是在雪茄世界深处,为雪茄鉴赏家所喜爱。长而纤细的雪茄很难制作,如果制作得当,它们会非常出色,并带有大量的茄衣烟叶风味。这款梦幻者就属于这样的情况。这是卢西亚诺·梅雷莱斯(Luciano Meirelles)的标志性产品。原本这款雪茄是2020年作为限量版发布的,但是受到市场欢迎,梅雷莱斯2021年时将这款雪茄作为常规产品定期发布。带有巧克力包裹的杏仁、咖啡和一点点香料的味道。

Lanceros are the deep tracks of the cigar world, embraced by connoisseurs but ignored by many casual cigar lovers. The long, slim cigars are tough to make, and when made right they are exceptional, with a great amount of the flavor delivered by the wrapper. Such is the case for Luciano The Dreamer, the signature smoke of Ace Prime owner Luciano Meirelles. The cigar was born as a limited-edition in 2020, but its reception led Meirelles to change strategy and make it a regular release in 2021. Its combination of tobaccos from Ecuador Havana wrapper, Nicaraguan binder and filler, with just a touch of Peruvian leaf, give it sublime flavors of chocolate-covered almonds, café au lait and just a bit of spice.

第13名,塔图阿赫珍藏K222(Tatuaje Reserva K222)


52环径粗,5.875英寸长,得分93分,单支售价14美元。茄衣是厄瓜多尔烟叶,茄套和茄芯是尼加拉瓜烟叶。品牌创始人皮特·约翰逊(Pete Johnson)已经成为雪茄行业的中流砥柱。他拥有多个产品线,并且持续进入《雪茄爱好者》杂志的年度前25名。他的雪茄大部分是在尼加拉瓜生产的,但是这款雪茄是在美国佛罗里达州的哈伯纳斯之王雪茄厂(El Rey de los Habanos)卷制的。塔图阿赫品牌2003年就是在佛罗里达州诞生的。K222是2016年发布的一款较新的产品线,这个产品是为了纪念约翰逊的一只名为Kona的宠物狗。它具有标志性的华丽结构,中等到饱满的强度,丰富浓郁的糖蜜、咖啡豆和红辣椒的香气,尾端带有卡布奇诺咖啡的味道。

Pete Johnson has become a cigar industry mainstay, a man with multiple lines of cigars that consistently score well in this magazine and make our Top 25. Most of them are rolled in Nicaragua, but this Tatuaje Reserva K222 is made in Florida, where the Tatuaje story began back in 2003. While the Tatuaje brand is closing in on 20 years of age, the K222 size is a newer release that first hit the market in 2016. It was created as a tribute to Johnson’s dog, whose name was Kona. It has that trademark gorgeous construction, a medium-to-full body, and rich, hearty notes of molasses, coffee bean and red pepper, with a cappuccino finish.


